Born and raised in the Bronx, first generation Garifuna American, Jaimie (Nina) Martinez is a Healthcare professional and founder of Garifuna Entrepreneurs and Talents Inc.
Created in 2019, the Garifuna Entrepreneurs and Talents FB-group was created as a way to create a platform for content-sharing, and networking. With time, GE&T has evolved and transitioned into Garifuna Entrepreneurs and Talents Inc., a non-profit organization.
‘‘Our overall goal is to continue to help grow and bring awareness to Entrepreneurship. To serve as a support system through sponsorship, mentoring, marketing, and sharing resources within our reach. We hope, to in turn, to have the support of our community to help further our mission as a collective”
My advice to others would be, discover your purpose and live by it every single day.
Please feel free to join us on:
FB: Garifuna Entrepreneurs & Talents
IG: ge_andtalents