
Traditional Garifuna foods are based around fish, chicken, cassava, bananas, and plantains. Most of the meals are rich and hearty.

Garifuna food is traditionally based on the staple foods of cassava, plantain, and banana, combined with fish and other seafood.

Ereba, Cassava bread, Casabe

Ereba as it’s known in the Garifuna language, Cassava bread in English, or Casabe in Spanish is one of the staple foods of the Garifuna people.  Making "ereba" is a long and arduous process which culminates with the baking of the casava on a large iron wood fired oven “Budari”. The process entails peeling, washing, and grating the yuca, then straining, sifting, and baking the meal. 

Hudut, Hudutu, Machuca A Traditional Garifuna Meal

Hudut as it’s known in Belize, Hudutu in Honduras, or Machuca in Spanish, is a traditional Garifuna staple dish, which consists of sweet and green plantains beaten to a mash and shaped into a ball, akin to African fufu or foo foo.

Gifiti a traditional Garifuna drink

Gifiti is a traditional Garifuna drink. Gifiti means bitter, which is a word from the Garifuna Language. This drink is a combination of herbs and roots, which produces that peculiar taste. It is traditionally used medicinally, with different compositions for men and women, but is also consumed recreationally, most commonly as shots. 

This delicious drink revitalizes after a long journey from the mountain, high sea or even to release the city stress. Historically, it has been prepared in a bamboo container. The modern formula uses alcohol. Gifiti is also called The Love Medicine!